The study explores the impact of microplastic particles on savoy cabbage growth and metabolic traits. Seedlings exposed to polystyrene particles were analysed using coherent Raman scattering microscopy. The plants were grown on substrates with different sizes and concentrations of polyethylene and polystyrene particles. After several weeks, shoot and root biomass were harvested, and their carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, amino acid, and glucosinolate composition were measured. The study found that the type, size, and concentration of plastics had distinct effects on certain plant traits. Shoot biomass was influenced by the size and concentration of polyethylene, while root biomass remained unaffected. Leaf amino acids were not affected, but leucine concentration was significantly increased in plastic-exposed plants. The study underscores the importance of plastic type, particle size, and concentration in microplastic uptake and their effects on plant traits, potentially impacting crops and ecosystems.
The current study examines the contamination of microplastics in three greenhouse types: abandoned, normal, and simple. The findings revealed that the abundance of microplastics was found to be the highest in the abandoned greenhouse, followed by the normal greenhouse and simple greenhouse. The mean abundance of microplastic organic fertilizer and irrigation water was also high.[…]
The study examines the distribution of residual film after eight years of film mulching in mid-April 2018. Results from the study revealed that eight years of mulching significantly increased the quantity of agricultural mulch film residues in the soil. The size of residual film fragments was found to vary from 0.25 cm2 to 109 cm2,[…]
A study in Yuanmou County, Yunnan Province, investigated microplastic pollution in different land uses, including facility farmland, traditional farmland, orchard, grassland, and woodland. Results showed a significant difference in microplastic abundance and characteristics between different land use types. Facility farmlands, traditional farmlands, and orchard lands had higher microplastic abundance than grasslands and woodlands. The main[…]
The study analysed 225 soil samples from maize planting zones in northern China, revealing that long-term plastic film mulching increases microplastic pollution in agricultural soils. The abundance of microplastics was significantly higher in mulched soils (754 ± 477 items kg-1) than in non-mulched soils (376 ± 149 items kg-1). The length of time with film[…]
The study examined the relative abundances and morphological distributions of microplastics (MPs) in water, sediments, and farmland soils in the Caohai Lake region. The estuary in the study area was considered a potential sink for MP transportation. Transparent and black MPs accounted for a large proportion of MPs in the five environments, with possible sources[…]