
Uptake of microplastics and impacts on plant traits of savoy cabbage

The study explores the impact of microplastic particles on savoy cabbage growth and metabolic traits. Seedlings exposed to polystyrene particles were analysed using coherent Raman scattering microscopy. The plants were grown on substrates with different sizes and concentrations of polyethylene and polystyrene particles. After several weeks, shoot and root biomass were harvested, and their carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, amino acid, and glucosinolate composition were measured. The study found that the type, size, and concentration of plastics had distinct effects on certain plant traits. Shoot biomass was influenced by the size and concentration of polyethylene, while root biomass remained unaffected. Leaf amino acids were not affected, but leucine concentration was significantly increased in plastic-exposed plants. The study underscores the importance of plastic type, particle size, and concentration in microplastic uptake and their effects on plant traits, potentially impacting crops and ecosystems.

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