Increasing abundance of microplastics (MP) in marine and freshwater is currently one of the greatest environmental concerns. Since plastics are fairly resistant to chemical decomposition, the breakdown and reutilization of MP carbon complexes require microbial activity. Currently, only a few microbial isolates have been shown to degrade MPs, and direct measurements of the fate of the MP carbon are still lacking. We used compound-specific isotope analysis to track the fate of fully labelled 13C-polyethylene (PE) MP carbon across the aquatic microbial-animal interface. Isotopic values of respired CO₂ and membrane lipids showed that MP carbon was partly mineralised and partly used for cell growth. Microbial mineralisation and assimilation of PE-MP carbon were most active when inoculated microbes were obtained from highly humic waters, which contain recalcitrant substrate sources. Mixotrophic algae (Cryptomonas sp.) and herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia magna) used microbially mediated PE-MP carbon in their cell membrane fatty acids. Moreover, heteronanoflagellates and mixotrophic algae sequestered MP carbon for synthesising essential ω-6 and ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Thus, this study demonstrates that aquatic microorganisms can produce, biochemically upgrade, and trophically transfer nutritionally important biomolecules from PE-MP.
The Scheme of Control and Enforcement Scheme (Scheme) of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) applies to all fishing vessels used or intended for use in fishing activities conducted on fisheries resources in the Regulatory Area. The scheme is divided into seven chapters: General Provisions (I), Control Measures (II), Monitoring of Fisheries (III), Vessel[…]
For the purpose of ensuring that fishing activities are in compliance with South Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA) Conservation and Management Measures (CMMs), this CMM provides regulations that make it easier to monitor, control, and monitor fishing activities. It is the responsibility of the Contracting Parties, cooperating non-contracting party (CNCPs), and participating fishing entities (PFEs) to[…]
In the context of sustainable fishing activities, this Regulation establishes specific rules regarding the eligibility of costs associated with operations that aim to protect and restore marine biodiversity and ecosystems. Additionally, this Regulation addresses the eligibility of costs for operations that aim to mitigate climate change and improve the energy efficiency of fishing vessels. Furthermore,[…]
The Third Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM) Strategic Plan (2022-2030) sets out a clear roadmap for achieving the CRFM’s vision of effective management, conservation and sustainable use of our fisheries and aquaculture resources, to maximise social and economic benefits in the CRFM Member States. The plan was approved by the Eleventh Special Meeting of the[…]
This measure is based on the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South East Atlantic Ocean, adopted by the Annual Meeting of the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization (SEAFO) in 2015, establishes the System of Observation, Inspection, Compliance and Enforcement, which shall apply to all fishing vessels and fishing research[…]