
Sustainable plastic waste management- A case study of Thane Municipal Corporation

This study explores theoretical and experimental aspects of pyrolysis of the hydrocarbon polymers, HDPE/LDPE, PP and PS found in plastic waste, which can be used in municipal corporations for effective and efficient plastic waste management. The study results in the identification and enumeration of factors that can affect the process of pyrolysis and suggest the optimisation of the process.


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COUNCIL DECISION (EU) 2019/1563 on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union within the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC)

This Decision sets out the position to be taken on the Union’s behalf in the sessions of the Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC). In particular, in the framework of the WECAFC, the European Union shall, among other aspects: a) act in accordance with the objectives and principles pursued by the Union within the common[…]

CMM 08-2023 Conservation and Management Measures for Gillnets in the SPRFMO Convention Area

This document outlines the guidelines and regulations aimed at the sustainable use and conservation of marine resources, specifically focusing on the use of gillnets in the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) Convention Area. CMM 08-2023 focuses on regulating the use of gillnets in the SPRFMO Convention Area to ensure sustainable fisheries management, minimise[…]

Conservation And Management Measure On The Prevention, Reduction, And Elimination Of Marine Pollution CMM 2023-15

This document provides measures for prohibitions on marine pollution, including that no fishing vessel shall discard or abandon fishing gear at sea. A fishing vessel is deemed to have discarded fishing gear if it relinquishes control of the fishing gear, except in the event of distress. The measure provides for the condition that a fishing[…]

Conservation and Management Measure 2017-04

The Conservation and Management Measures on Marine Pollution (2017-04) is a policy implemented by the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to address marine pollution in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). This measure focuses on reducing and managing marine pollution from various sources, particularly in relation to fishing activities.

CMM 17-2022 Conservation and Management Measure on Fishing Gear and Marine Plastic Pollution in the SPRFMO Convention Area

This CMM has been formulated with the aim of preventing and significantly reducing various forms of marine pollution. It stipulates that each member and CNCP must exert all reasonable efforts to combat, minimise, and eliminate abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear. The document outlines the responsibilities of vessels, emphasising that they must not intentionally[…]