
New NEAFC Scheme of Control and Enforcement

The Scheme of Control and Enforcement Scheme (Scheme) of the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) applies to all fishing vessels used or intended for use in fishing activities conducted on fisheries resources in the Regulatory Area. The scheme is divided into seven chapters: General Provisions (I), Control Measures (II), Monitoring of Fisheries (III), Vessel Requirements and Chartering (III), Inspections at Sea (IV), Port State Control of Foreign Vessels (V), Infringements (VI), and Measures to Promote Compliance by Non-Contracting Party Fishing Vessels (VII).

The conservation measures in Chapter II cover authorisation to fish, notification of fishing vessels, vessel requirements, marking of gear, removal and disposal of unmarked or illegal fixed gear, retrieval of lost fixed gear, and labelling of frozen fish. Each Contracting Party must notify the Secretary of all fishing vessels authorised to fish and whether they are authorised to fish one or more regulated resources before entering the Regulatory Area.

Port State control in Chapter V applies to the use of ports of Contracting Parties by fishing vessels with catch on board of fisheries resources caught in the Convention Area by foreign fishing vessels and that have not been previously landed or transhipped at a port. The provisions of the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (FAO PSMA) serve as a minimum standard for the Port State Control of foreign fishing vessels.

Chapter VII contains provisions on port State measures that apply to non-Contracting Parties, including the application of mutatis mutandis as a minimum standard for the Port State Control of non-Contracting Party vessels.

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New NEAFC Scheme of Control and Enforcement

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