On Tuesday 10th January we had good discussions in the webinar “Addressing Microplastics in a Global Agreement on Plastic Pollution”. Watch the recording here!
Following the resolution at the United Nations Environment Assembly in May 2022, the aim is to end plastic pollution and forge an international legally binding agreement by 2024.
As plastic pollution is a complex issue with many different sources and consequences, there is a great need for scientific knowledge. The new report “Addressing Microplastics in a Global Agreement on Plastic Pollution” which was launched during the webinar aims to provide insights into how microplastics are currently regulated and managed, and potential measures and modalities to address microplastics.
Daniela García Freire, Deputy Permanent Representative Misión Permanente de la República del Ecuador ante la Organización Mundial del Comercio; Dr. Guilberto Borongan, Director of the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific; Declan McAdams, chairman Pinovo; and Hans Adam, IKHAPP (moderator) during the webinar’s panel debate session.
This was also a good opportunity to discuss how the treaty process is progressing.
In the webinar, several representatives from governments, the research community and the plastics industry discussed the opportunities and challenges of addressing microplastics in a global agreement.
You can watch the recording of the webinar here:
The presentation of the report can be downloaded here.
For more resources, check out these previous Nordic reports related to a global agreement on plastic pollution: