Materials and Publications

Letter to the Chair and the INC Secretariat regarding intersessional work

Letter sent to Ambassador Vayas Valdivieso and Executive Secretary Mathur-Filipp on behalf of the Scientists’ Coalition, requesting clarification on the composition and the procedure for participation in the ad hoc intersessional open-ended expert groups, dated 21st May 2024.

Read and download the letter in English here: 240521_SciCoa_letter on intersessional work




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Scientists’ Coalition Responses to WTO Dialogue on Plastics Pollution Guiding Questions

Document containing the Scientists’ Coalition’s responses to guiding questions set by the World Trade Organisation Dialogue on Plastics Pollution (WTO DPP). The responses to the guiding questions were prepared and presented at the WTO pre-plenary on 13th February and delivered orally by Richard Thompson (online) and Noreen O’Meara (in person in Geneva).

Open letter to INC Bureau regarding observer participation at INC 5.2

Letter sent to INC Bureau on behalf of the Scientists’ Coalition calling for protections and assurances for observer participation at INC 5.2, dated 11th February 2025.

Policy Brief: Cutting Plastic Pollution at the Source – The Case for Upstream Solutions

This policy brief addresses the need for cutting plastic pollution at the source through upstream solutions to significantly decrease plastic pollution. To effectively combat the global plastics crisis, upstream measures must take center stage, as they address the problem at its source and create the necessary market incentives for sustainable alternatives. The brief outlines that cutting[…]

Policy Brief: Removal of existing and legacy plastic pollution

It is important to recognize that removal efforts alone cannot solve the plastic problem and that they fail to address the scale or wider issues of plastic pollution. The only sustainable, safe, long-term, and effective solution to the global plastics crisis is to significantly reduce, simplify and detoxify plastic polymers and products, and to establish[…]

The Global Plastics Treaty – What science shows are essential elements for its success

The final INC meeting of the Plastics Treaty negotiation is rapidly upon us, and a new process with revived momentum is underway with the Chair’s non-paper. The Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty has been supporting delegates, negotiators and other actors in accessing robust, independent scientific evidence to support decision making, and we have[…]