Open letter to INC Bureau regarding observer participation at INC 5.2

Observers, including independent scientists, were not able to effectively follow the negotiations at the recent INC 5.1 PlasticsTreaty meeting in Busan, due to a shift to closed room meetings. 

400+ Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty members from around the world have been supporting member states since the beginning of this process with robust, independent science to ensure evidence-based decision making and an effective treaty that ends plastics pollution. 

When independent scientists are not allowed into the meeting room:

  • they cannot help identify the knowledge gaps, misunderstandings or misinformation that require clarification.
  • they cannot help member states avoid potentially regrettable substitutions, inadequate actions, or partial solutions.

The Scientists Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty are concerned that closed-room informal negotiations will continue to favor large, well-resourced member state delegations, while potentially undermining participation and contributions from smaller delegations as well as introduce power imbalances and biases.

Numerous UN principles, conventions, and agreements clearly call for meaningful participation and representation, and for science-based decision making.

Looking ahead towards INC 5.2, we call on the INC Bureau to implement changes that protect observers’ rights and increase transparency and trust in the process.

Read the letter sent to the INC Bureau on behalf of the Scientists’ Coalition calling for protections and assurances for observer participation at INC 5.2, dated 11th February 2025 here: Open-letter-to-Bureau-from-Scientists-Coalition_-cc_-chair-secretariat-_-re-observer-access-at-INC5.2.pdf